Mode: Keyboard


Jump to try to get as far as possible!
You lose if the pogostick frame touches anything the ground, and you lose a heart if it hits an obstacle.

Select a control mode:

Mobile/Tablet (Gyro):
Tap to expand the spring and let go to recompress. Tilt the device to tilt the pogostick

Click/tap to compress spring and set the center of a joystick, drag to twist like controlling a joystick, then release to expand the spring

The grey circle is the joystick, with the center marked. Tap/click to compress the spring, optionally drag to change the angle of the joystick, then let go to let the spring expand.

Press the up arrow or spacebar to expand the spring, and the left and right arrow keys to twist left and right respectively


Select a control mode:

Pogo *Body*:
Pogo *Stick*:

Keyboard Sensitivity

Welcome to the tutorial.
Choose the controls that you want to learn about.
Click the next arrow when you are ready to move on.